Peterborough Art Society
About our Meetings
Peterborough Art Society meet regularly. Once a month on the 1st Monday of each month, where most months we have a professional demonstrator, with a 2nd meeting added during the summer months where we sit and paint/draw together. See our programme of events to see when and where these are.
We give a warm welcome visitors to our meetings, and there is no limit to the number of times you can visit.
Our demonstrations are very popular with our members and visitors alike. The committee will get feedback from members twice a year, on what subjects or mediums they would like to see, to ensure that we are always taking into account what members want.
Fees for each evening are currently £2 for members and £4 for visitors.
Free tea or coffee during each of the meetings, plus a raffle with some lovely art prizes on the main monthly meetings.
We also hold other ad hoc events such as workshops or informal exhibitions. Keep coming back to look at our programme of events to see what we have planned.
Glyn Plumb Demonstration
Photo by courtesy of Rob Paskin
Les Darlow Pastel Workshop for members of Peterborough Art Society and other local art groups
Acrylic workshop with Vic Bearcroft, held by the SAA in honour of our 85th anniversary
Get in touch
Please email or mail us at the following address:
Peterborough Art Society
c/o 14 Chiltern Rise
Come and join us
We meet at St Marks Church Hall, 82 Lincoln Road, Peterborouogh, PE1 2SN
Members £3 (£20 annual membership) Visitors £5 Free refreshments
1st Monday of the month 7.30pm unti 9.30pm (2nd Monday if the 1st one is a bank holiday). See our events schedule for further details.