Peterborough Art Society
Links to other groups and associations
This is a list of groups or organisations with whom Peterborough Art Society (PAS) often work with, or deal with in pursuit of our art endeavours. We work with some art groups in sharing programme information and joining together to exhibit art. Some art organsiations have helped Peterborough Art Society in promoting our exhibitions or providing prizes for raffles or for the Annual Children's Art Competition.
Some of these organisations will have links through to a document which shows you more about them. If you work with Peterborough Art Society, or would like to, please contact us using the contact form.
Society for All Artists (SAA) - providers of artists materials and a membership society who provide regular magazines, competition and catalogues. Peterborough Art Society are art group members. Find them at
Jacksons Art Supplies - providers of artists materials. Find them at
Peterborough Artists Open Studios (PAOS) - many of our members are also members of this art group. They have the same philosophy as PAS and will often help to share information about our group. Find out about them at
CPSO (City Of Peterborough Symphony Orchestra) - Our members regularly attend their rehearsals to paint and draw the orchestra in motion. CPSO will often use one of our paintings on the cover of the programme for the main concert. For more information on CPSO and their concerts please click here.
Get in touch
Please email or mail us at the following address:
Peterborough Art Society
c/o 14 Chiltern Rise
Come and join us
We meet at St Marks Church Hall, 82 Lincoln Road, Peterborouogh, PE1 2SN
Members £3 (£20 annual membership) Visitors £5 Free refreshments
1st Monday of the month 7.30pm unti 9.30pm (2nd Monday if the 1st one is a bank holiday). See our events schedule for further details.