Peterborough Art Society
Clare Marshall
I studied Art and Design at NE London Polytechnic some 40 years ago, but went on to follow a different career path entirely, working with people and diversity, in teaching, training, counselling and community development. Recent life changes mean i can revisit my interest in Art and particular preference for life drawing, people and portraits. Taking directly from my own life and travel , I reflect colour, spirit and feelings experienced through direct connection with the subject. I work in a variety of mediums: pastel, pencil, oil, acrylic, charcoal and some watercolour but I am happiest with a simple sketch pad and pencil.
Get in touch
Please email or mail us at the following address:
Peterborough Art Society
c/o 14 Chiltern Rise
Photos by courtesy of Rob Paskin
Come and join us
We meet at St Marks Church Hall, 82 Lincoln Road, Peterborouogh, PE1 2SN
Members £3 (£20 annual membership) Visitors £5 Free refreshments
1st Monday of the month 7.30pm unti 9.30pm (2nd Monday if the 1st one is a bank holiday). See our events schedule for further details.