Peterborough Art Society
Sandra Harper
At Canterbury College, oil painting was one of the subjects I studied whilst training for primary school teaching. On retirement, 7 years ago. I took up oil painting again and at every opportunity I have a paintbrush in my hand: it has become an important part of my life.
Inspiration comes in a wide range of subjects and I'm continually exploring content and size; technique and style. My work is prolific and has included landscapes, flowers, pets, abstract, a series of African warriors, visions and townscapes. I've had 3 small exhibitions, belong to Open Studios, completed commissions and have sold many. During this last year I've been focusing on portraits and the significance of vivid texts as found in the Psalms.
Photos by courtesy of Rob Paskin
Get in touch
Please email or mail us at the following address:
Peterborough Art Society
c/o 14 Chiltern Rise
Come and join us
We meet at St Marks Church Hall, 82 Lincoln Road, Peterborouogh, PE1 2SN
Members £3 (£20 annual membership) Visitors £5 Free refreshments
1st Monday of the month 7.30pm unti 9.30pm (2nd Monday if the 1st one is a bank holiday). See our events schedule for further details.